Oi hoje vim postar sobre as Quest do novo evento 12-12-12....
1Q: locate Kezeroth: Vai
ate onde a foto amostra...
2Q: Chonoton Detection: Mate 10 Polar Golem
3Q: Core Knowledge: Pegue
6 Ice Core pela tela
4Q: temporal
Revelation: Aperte em “Find The Entrance” quando tiver no lugar de onde você
fez a 1° Quest
5Q: Before the
Darkest Hour: Entre no templo que você vai ver um custumese cena "join
5Q:Rune-ing His Plan: Mate O Ancient Golem. (Ate
8Q:Warmth in the cold: Mate 7x Temple Spider e 3x Temple Maggot.
9Q:icy prizes: Mate
5x Temple Prowler e 5x Temple Maggot.
10Q:fading magic:
Mate o Ancient Golem para Completar a Quest.
17Q:shrouded in ice: Mate o Ancient Maggot ate Completar
a Quest.
18Q:hard fight for a cold truth: Mate o Ancient Prowler ate Completar
a Quest.
19Q:sand and shardin' bones: Mate o Ancient Mole ate completer.
21Q:the sword of hope: Mate o Ancient Terror ate completar
a Quest.
22Q:rays og hope: Mate o Ancient Terror ate completar a Quest. (vc pode matar todos que estao na tela eles dao o item para completa a quest
Sword of Hope Shop
Name Price
Sword of Hope
0 AC

Kezeroth's Dual Destroyers
S.O.H, 20x R.O.H, 100,000 Gold

Kezeroth's Devestation
S.O.H, 5x R.O.H, 20,000 Gold

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